WEB Kidz

WEB Kidz

West Edmonton Baptist (WEB) has classes for kids aged up to Grade 6 during the Sunday morning worship service and during the week. They are split into age-appropriate groups and led by a fantastic team of security-screened volunteers who really love to connect with the kids. We are committed to building a spiritual foundation in kids in partnership with their parents.

Our aim is to provide a safe, secure and caring environment where parents feel comfortable leaving their children. We ensure that our volunteers receive mandatory training in child protection and safety. This includes security screenings and reference checks. Everyone who teaches, helps, or cares for children is expected to adhere to policies which are intended to protect both the children and the volunteers.

If your child is unwell we would ask that you please keep him/her at home, as we do not want to put the other children at risk. In the event of an injury or the onset of an illness during a Kidz program, parents/guardians will be contacted.

At WEB we take the responsibility of caring for your children very seriously. We consider it an honour. We look forward to serving you and your child(ren) should you choose to have them participate in this ministry with us.


The West Edmonton Baptist Nursery is designed for children up to 36 months of age.

Kidz Church

For children ages 3 to grade 6 and takes place during the Sunday morning worship service.